
Healthcare Students

Each year the NHS Business Service Authority (NHSBSA) advises of additional funding available for eligible pre-registration healthcare undergraduates.

To be eligible for the NHS Learning Support Fund elements you must be in receipt of statutory funding and must also meet Student Finance England's course related and residency criteria.

A student paramedic using phlebotomy training equipment

Which courses are supported?

Courses which currently attract support from the NHS Learning Support Fund:

  • Dental Hygiene (Level 5 and 6)

  • Nursing (including Mental Health, Child and Adult branches)

  • Midwifery

  • Paramedicine (not Foundation or DipHE)

  • Physiotherapy

  • Radiography

  • Radiotherapy


You can also find information relating to funding for healthcare students on . Find out more about the NHS Learning Support fund and .


There is a £5,000 grant available per academic year for eligible new and continuing students.

There is also an additional £1000 for students studying an identified shortage specialism and a further £1000 for those falling into the regional incentive. These additional amounts are added to the £5000 and there is no additional application needed

If you would like to find out more information on the Training Grant, take a look at the 

Previously 'Child Dependent Allowance', there is £2000 available for students with child dependants, per academic year. This is available to students who have parental responsibility for a child, either under the age of 15 or under 17 if the child is registered with special educational needs.

This element will not affect your access to child support or other means of funding such as Universal Credit or the Childcare Grant via Student Finance England. Payments will be made in 3 instalments with your Training Grant payments. Students on part-time courses will receive a pro rata amount. If you would like to find out more information on the Parental Support, take a look at the 

You may be able to claim for travel costs if your placement is further than the distance you travel to university. You can also claim for rent for a second accommodation if it is too far to travel to and from your home base to placement. You have a maximum of six months from the last date of the placement period you’re claiming for to submit your claim.

You must retain all receipts relating to your claim, this could include (but not limited to) public transport tickets, car park tickets or receipts and rent invoices. The application and evidence must be submitted in PDF format. If you would like to find out more information on the TDAE, take a look at the NHSBSA website. If you need further guidance to submit your claim, please contact travelclaims@uos.ac.uk.

This fund offers an additional grant of up to £3,000 for eligible students to assist with living and studying costs for students who can show there is a shortfall between income and expenditure. Students applying for ESF must have applied to the university for any hardship or other available funding. Find out more information on the .

You can still apply for ESF even if your application to the FSF was unsuccessful. If you would like to find out more information on the TDAE, take a look at the