
Justin Hunter

Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing

School of Nursing, Midwifery and Public Health

Justin has been a Registered Mental Health Nurse since 2010. Since that time Justin has worked in the Suffolk area in diverse variety of clinical settings such as Psychiatric Inpatient Units and Community Mental Health Teams. Throughout his career Justin has developed a passion for working with young people experiencing poor mental wellbeing, supporting holistic care and recovery. Whilst in a leadership position, Justin enthusiastically sought to support his fellow clinicians to professionally develop through both leadership support and also initiatives such as the inception of self-audit tools for clinicians to ensure that care was planned and delivered in a recovery focused, high-quality manner.

Post-registration Justin has undertaken several training opportunities as part of his continued professional development including courses in Advanced Anatomy and Physiology, Introduction to Counselling Skills and most recently a Leadership and Management Apprenticeship.  

Justin has been a practise supervisor since 2011 and draws immense pride in supporting student nursing to develop both their clinical knowledge and practical skill set. This has been achieved by Justin through supporting student nurses on placement within clinical practise supporting them to experience and celebrate all that placements can offer in terms of learning opportunities, the underpinning fundamentals of nursing care and associated clinical governance.

  • Nursing and Midwifery Registrant since 2010
  • Member of the Chartered Management Institute since 2021.